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PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 12:53 am 
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Joined: Thu Feb 21, 2008 8:57 pm
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First name: duh
Last Name: Padma
City: Professional Sawdust Maker
Focus: Build
Das Right Dudes,
your read it A1 ok the first time.
Its a
Quick and Dirty Twisted Classical Traveler Build
for me
Sweeties Birthday.

All ceder...Wishbone construction, booked faced, one piece back and top...that means the top is one piece and the back is one piece but that they are book faced or wood be if you could sees them both at the same times. Or you can think of them as consecutive slices of off a 50 year or so old cedar bolt me had hidden under the stairs for the last 10 years.
Banding is some sort of dark hog me found in me brothers stash. The head stock, fret board, tail piece are consecutive cuts out of a Padauk stick, including the heal cap.

Now this is the 12 year anniversary build for me sweeties birthday and sort commemorates our relationship...thats why its twisted laughing6-hehe ... and me do mean like way bent outta shape...but don't jump to the last pic to see what me meaning.

Ok those of you not familiar with me builds... tough...rummage around the site for some of me other build threads and sorry this is not a build thread but only parts of one. So here goes.

see...mirror image top and back...

see ... carving of the 3D "f" holes...this part is easy...its hogging out the back while making an effort to keep a uniform 1/8 inch meat around that "f" hole. think about it.

Image me used violin design for the corner blocks and scabbed on some hog, which will show up in the ribs as part of the banding as opposed to a planted banding.


see...the gooing up of the various corner blocks...



see...between the rabbit ears of the clamps, me lady friend watching me build her birfday present.



see....gooing of the hemp fabric around the "f'in" holes and if you take a good looker, see that the parallel bracing are not straight but sculpted with a bit of a curve away from each other where the bridge is. Also see that the edges of the "f"ers has been painted brown. Also note large tail block...need some weight to counter balance the tunners and some meat for the tail piece to mount on to. Also notice the pencil...very important tool in building.


now in dis can start to see what me mean by "twisted"


and finally in dis pic see the fand frets which add to the illusion of being a really bent outa shape, instrument. Note the sparkle of light on each fret and the ones that are out of "flow" ...this is a dead give away to the fact that they haven't been leveled yet.


common dudes...ya know ya just gotta love it. She does.

Pics when finished.


duh Padma


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PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 7:38 am 
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laughing6-hehe The guitar aint the only thing twisted here ole friend ! laughing6-hehe I really like it , Looking forward to hearing it sing . Your sweetie must be a heck of a lady . [:Y:]

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 8:58 pm 
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Is she a lefty ? beehive

I mean - a Left handed player ?

It's this new idea from recent decades that everyone gets a participation award. - MUX

PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 10:00 pm 
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Joined: Thu Feb 21, 2008 8:57 pm
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First name: duh
Last Name: Padma
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Focus: Build
John A wrote:
Is she a lefty ? John A, she is not....why do you ask that?



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PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 11:31 pm 
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Ah>>> Back in a few, gotta do a little sippin, make sure am propersubduinging any chance that I have not prepped to grok...

Paddy get Baybie Girl in here turn up the sound and click Duh link

"It's a Tone Faerie thing"
"Da goal is to sharpen ur wit as well as ye Sgian Dubh"

"Sippin Loch Dhu @Black lake" ,Kirby O...

PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 2:18 am 

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Pretty interesting, Padma. I've never had a chance to play a fanned fret instrument. Sure seems to go visually with the rest of the instrument. Or maybe the rest of the instrument goes well with the fanned frets. In any event, OF COURSE she loves it! I'll be watching. Eager to see how it all comes out. Press on!

PostPosted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 10:39 pm 
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First name: duh
Last Name: Padma
City: Professional Sawdust Maker
Focus: Build
Ok ...

here she be
all finished.
Sweetie likes it! Yay!

The bridge may look like a floater but it is actually pinned under the bass foot. Had to as the feet are not enough acreage to glue down with strings doing a 3 degree to a 11 degree bend as they cross over the fulcrum while dropping 33 degrees down to the tailpiece at the same time. I also pinned the nut for the same reason. The finish is some kinda fast drying oil me once mixed up for something or other.








Yes, the head stock, the body and the neck bend down ward. For any of you dudes into mystical numbers ... .
The instruments length spans an arc of approx 27 degrees with a radius of 108 inches.

The number 108 is considered sacred in many Eastern religions and traditions, such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism and connected yoga and dharma based practices. It also appears as the number of beads on a Buddhist mala and Catholic rosary. The list of its mystical import is rather extensive.

Twisted eh!

The label on the inside reads...


This was a quick and dirty build...meaning no drawings, no nothing...just do it. Now that me done did it, me gonna go back and give some more serious thought to some of the geometries of this build, you know, to clean up the lines, especially in the head stock of how the strings transit over a fanned zero fret and down on to the winders...probably gonna use pegs for the next one to help with the visual lines. Then there is the stretching of the treble "f" hole to accent the "drooping" look of the body and some structural rethinking because of the sideways pressure of the strings over the bridge.

Ya, this design needs some major design tweaking.....but not day we celebrate her birthday and lay down some toons....and well tomorrow its
back to work on that Arch top for the Chilean curandero. Dudes, ya gotta check that build thread out.

duh Padma


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PostPosted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 10:31 am 
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Once again you bring a smile to my face ! [:Y:] Very nice work . It is beautifull.

The Shallower the depth of the stream , The Louder the Babble !
The Taking Of Offense Is the Life Course Of The Stupid One !
Wanna Leave a Better Planet for our Kids? How about Working on BETTER KIDS for our Planet !
Forgiveness is the ability to accept an apology that you will probably NEVER GET
The truth will set you free , But FIRST, it will probably Piss you Off !
Creativity is allowing yourself to make Mistakes, Art is knowing which ones to Keep !
The Saddest thing anyone can do , is push a Loyal Person to the point that they Dont Care Anymore
Never met a STRONG person who had an EASY past ! ... rAssembly/

PostPosted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 12:34 pm 

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Hey, Padma, I just showed this entire thread to my wife. My sweetie thinks your sweetie is a very lucky person, indeed. And I do, too. Congratulations on the guitar. Truthfully, it doesn't look all that quick and dirty to me. Sure, if you do another, you might take a little more time with some details. But I think you brought your concept to life very well. I've also gotta say I admire your confidence and guts--laying out string paths directly on the instrument and so forth, without a plan drawing--I don't think I could pull that off. Well, maybe I'd find the courage in a bottle of your black beer....
Happy Birthday, Kathleen!

PostPosted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 12:52 pm 
Brazilian Rosewood
Brazilian Rosewood
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Padma, I always enjoy watching your instruments come together, you have an original take on things which is very refreshing. This one though has, without doubt, been my favourite.

If you didn't exist, we'd have to invent you!


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PostPosted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 3:55 pm 
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Focus: Build
Well dudes...heres the finding and the verdict.

While stringing her realized a few things.

1. The treble end sounded like cardboard flappin in the wind...Now me can't shave the braces, which were over build cuz the top was way thin. So after 3 different bridges paying attention to removing as much mass from the treble side as possible, especially around the leg helped a lot. Then the cedar top and back opened up within 24 hours which helped tremendously. Still gonna shave the kidney hole and wing and narrow the leg a bit more, but of course she wants to play it for a while first.

2. Also had to insert a notched piece of black African under the E to raise me just didn't wanna get in to filing releaf under the entire E string and was gonna be danged if me gonna remake a 4th bridge.

This morning the top really opened and the cardboard is just about gone. I think one more finalt tweek carving of the bridge and different strings will take care of the muted cardboard.

It has a Wolf note on the open G....shaving out the heart in the bridge a bit more should take care of that ~ hopefully.

Seems like me now gotts a backlog of 6 instruments that need sound tracks. So this fall me gonna brew some beer, call up a few pickers and shoot some videos for you dudes.

duh Padma


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PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 12:21 pm 
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Wow....very cool. I really like your designs!

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